With a little planning, you can make this Valentine’s Day one to remember. It may feel like you just finished putting away the holiday wrapping paper, but this Valentine’s Day, you want to get it right.
Before you read on thinking we’re going to tell you how you should buy her a ring so heavy, it’s a struggle for her to lift her hand, let’s be clear – this isn’t a case of go big or go home. At Morgan’s we know it’s not always the biggest, the brightest, the shiniest or the most spectacular that wins the heart.
Since Morgan’s Jewelers has been around for generations, we’ve seen a lot of people pass through our doors. Among them, there’s the couples just starting out, as well as those with a tight budget.
It was 1950 something. A young man named Robert nervously stumbled into the store. He couldn’t have been more than 19. His jacket tattered, his clothes a bit dingy from another hard day of work. He wasn’t sure what to expect walking into Morgan’s that early evening. He only knew of what the guys at the factory told him. Go to Morgan’s Jewelers, they’ll take care of you.
His eyes darted from case to case, unsure of how to start. He was greeted with a warm smile and inquisitive questions. After being shown a few items, Robert mentioned how much money he had. The man behind the counter gave him a look, followed with a nod. “I know the thing.”
That evening Robert walked out of Morgan’s Jewelers with a burgundy box securely placed in his coat pocket. When the 14th of February arrived, Barbara couldn’t have been more pleased. She knew they weren’t well off. She knew he worked hard for every penny he earned. But that gift would always have a very special meaning.
In the years ahead, he would go on to treat her to more jewelry for special moments. Bigger. Brighter. Shinier. More spectacular. And every time he would shop for something special, he’d always go to Morgan’s Jewelers.
While the names and dates may not be exact, the story rings true. If there’s honest emotion behind the gift you give, that gift will be cherished forever.
As you think about what you’ll give your sweetheart this Valentine’s day, remember this – at Morgan’s Jewelers, we’ll take care of you, even if you’re working with a small budget.
Do what so many generations have done before you, shop Morgan’s Jewelers for that special day. Stop by the shop at 77 East 3rd Street in the heart of Historic Downtown Winona, Minnesota. We want to be your jeweler.