We are heading up to the Retail Jewelers Organization Buying show next week at the Hyatt
Regency in Minneapolis! This is a great time to not only stock up on new inventory, it is a
unique buying event that provides educational seminars and Q&A’s about new technology in
the industry, a great place to network and interact with other retailers, and the event even
features live music and a great atmosphere to purchase, learn, and collaborate with some of
the country’s most renowned Jewelers! Although the term “Buying Show” might tend to scare
people off because of the cost of some precious jewelry, this event is much more than just
buying beautiful gemstones and going home. With live music, seminars, and a full schedule of
events, the RJO buying show is the summer event to be at for all of the fine jewelry retailers in
Minnesota and surrounding areas! The Hyatt Regency provides a contemporary, chic
convention center for this event. Although the event is only open to retailers in the area by
invitation, We’d love to hear what you’re interested in learning more about while we’re at the
show/other things you’d like us to look into! Here’s a video detailing more about the events
and showcasing the RJO group’s national tour in 2013!